Friday, 12 April 2019

How to Bring Your Personal Prayer Requests to God

Not only it's important but also it's vital to communicate with God frequently. Bringing all aspects of your life to his presence.

It helps you focus, remember and appreciate God's power and role in your life and open the heavenly doors of receiving the blessings and solutions.

It also puts what you want in front of your eyes all the time instead of being trapped  down in daily chores and troubles.

Moreover, it sheds the light on your decision makings and reduce or prevent mistakes.

It clears your mind. It improves your mental health. It reinforces your power for achievement and success and reminds you of the right priorities.

But not every request will be responded to, mostly because we don't communicate with God or don't communicate the right way.

Another secret is you need to keep praying over and over and over again. Not because God forgets but because you forget. You need to live in God and everyday seek his will and wisdom.

Here is a good template to bring your requests to God about all areas of your life that may concern you, you goals, wishes, challenges, fears, concerns, etc.

Our father in heaven, 
Hollowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it's done in heaven
Thy will be our wish and let our wish be according to your will
Thy will is good, pleasing and perfect
Thanks for your everlasting love for us
I worship you, honour you and love you with all my heart and mind
Fill our hearts and souls with your holy spirit and cleanse us from sin
Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors

My specific prayer request is for 
< a problem/challenge/goal/healing/concern/fear/etc>
so that 
< serves a higher purpose >...

Please guide me, lead me, direct me and shed your light on my path
Please empower me and enable me to take the best actions in faith, strength and wisdom.


Prayer Subject
(detail as much as you want)
So That

Physical Health
Exercise / Nutrition / Rest / Weight Management
Health and Happiness
Sickness Healing
Mental Health Health and Happiness
Spiritual Health Health and Happiness
Education Success Growth
Business Success Serving and helping other people
Financial Success Comfort and Security
Relationship Success Health and Happiness
Help for family, friends and those in trouble or sickness Their Health and Happiness
Children education, safety and health Their Future and Happiness
Time Management Growth