Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Say As If Everyone Will Hear It!

I have a new mission for you to bless you abundantly!

To people, ONLY say what is good, what is positive, what is blessing, what is encouraging, what is amazing, what is grateful and graceful.

And to GOD, after your thanks, say what frustrates you, what hurts you, your complains, what offends you, the pains or challenges that you'd have to endure or go through. No one could help you apart from Him that leads your path, eases your pains, heals your body and mind with solutions and miracles.

Live as if the words you speak will be heard in the public and in the throne of God and everyone will hear it!

Live as if what you say, is said in a court and could be used against you.

What words do you use to describe things, events, people to other people? Will you not be much more thoughtful before you say anything, what you say and how you say it?

What about your emotions, negative thoughts and words? 

Only God is allowed to hear those.

Using this technique:

  • You build a mature personality, earning respect and admiration of others
  • You build a strong relationship with God which nourishes your soul and personality

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Whoever has seen me has seen the Father!

This statement is found in John 14:9 (NIV):

"Jesus answered: 'Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?'"

This statement is a significant theological assertion that has been central to Christian beliefs about the nature of God and the identity of Jesus Christ. It can be understood in a few different ways:

1) Identification of Jesus with God: 
Jesus is claiming that He and the Father are one in essence and nature. In other words, when people see and know Jesus, they are also seeing and knowing God the Father because Jesus is God incarnate. This is a foundational concept in Christian theology known as the doctrine of the Trinity, which asserts that God exists in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit, all sharing the same divine essence.

2) Revelation of God's Character: 
Jesus is revealing the character and nature of God the Father through His own words, actions, and teachings. He embodies the love, compassion, mercy, and holiness of God. When people observe how Jesus lived and interacted with others, they gain insight into God's nature.


a. Love and Compassion: Jesus frequently displayed love and compassion for the marginalized and those in need. For example, in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), Jesus' parable illustrates the Father's unconditional love and forgiveness. By telling this parable, Jesus is revealing God the Father's heart for humanity.

b. Forgiveness: When Jesus forgave sins (e.g., Mark 2:1-12), He demonstrated God's authority to forgive and showed the Father's willingness to extend forgiveness to repentant sinners.

c. Teaching about the Kingdom of God: Much of Jesus' teaching centered around the kingdom of God and how to live in accordance with God's will. His teachings provide insights into the Father's desires and priorities for His creation.

d. Sacrifice and Redemption: Ultimately, Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross for the forgiveness of sins (e.g., John 3:16) is seen as the ultimate revelation of God's love and the means by which humanity can be reconciled with the Father.

In summary, when Jesus says, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father," He is making a profound claim about His identity and the nature of God. He is revealing that He is God incarnate and that His life, teachings, and actions provide a window into the character and will of God the Father. This statement underscores the close relationship between Jesus and the Father in Christian theology.

What if what Jesus claims is true? Doesn't it make you eager and/or curious to know Him more and learn from Him? How can you test and verify the claim?

If it'd be the truth, His Peace pours over your heart and you'll know it.