Friday, 22 December 2023

How do you fall in love with God?

You can not truly have love for God unless you feel first loved, protected, guided and directed by him.

You know God is the King but you don't necessarily naturally love any King, you fear the King for the power that he has over your life and hate him for his negligence of your needs and wants.

Obviously, life is mostly insecure, we feel overwhelmed, unprotected, risks and uncertainties, redundancies, crimes, dangers which strengthens these negative feelings about God. Why so much pain in the world, why so much suffering, so much harm, so much betrayals.

So how do you move to the position of actually loving God which is the result of genuinely feeling his love for you, his security for you, his protection for you, his healing and kindness for you, his wealth and health for you, his guidance for you, his goodness for your life and humanity?

The feeling that he truly cares for you and is there for you and keep holding to that feeling regardless of what happens in your life. 

How could that be possible? How to resolve these contradictions?

What is obvious is that the interpretations of your life events is critically important.  How you interpret. To interpret in a way that is helpful, positive, good and amazing and support you.